Destinations: Kansas City // In the Heartland

June 29, 2017

by Dane Steele Green

Ok, I know what you are thinking: “Kansas City?”


Too red, too rural, too religious — that’s the stereotype of the Midwest. And for the most part, you would not be so far off. Take a look and any electoral map and every square-state is a forbiddingly gory shade of red....

Destinations: Sardinia

June 20, 2017

by Dane Steele Green

Due south of the French island of Corsica, the Italian island of Sardinia has a lot in common with its Francophone neighbor. Both are mountainous, both have beaches aplenty, and both tend to get overshadowed by their respective mainlands by travelers. Hmph.


As with peninsular Italy, Sardinia...

Destinations: Corsica

June 12, 2017

by Dane Steele Green

The thing about Corsica: No matter where you go, from its heights to its depths, you will not be able to get away from Napoleon. Perhaps the most famous Frenchman in the modern mind, and certainly the most famous Corsican flat-out, love for the man the British derisively call “Boney” runs deep.



U.S. Airlines Invest in First Class Customers…On the Ground

June 6, 2017

by Dane Steele Green

The airport experience for international and domestic air travel has become everything but a pleasant experience. Long security lines and record-breaking numbers of travelers have created chaos at airports around the world. Thankfully, airlines are starting to take note and have invested...