During the last two weeks of August, Steele Luxury Travel made an educational visit to Turkey and Greece. To be sure that we bring you the best that any country has to offer, we travel to each destination to test out the hotels, excursions, restaurants and nightlife before fine tuning a luxurious and seamless vacation experience for you. Below are just a few of the highlights that we will feature on Steele Luxury Travel’s “Turkish Delight” trip in the summer of 2009.

Over the course of the next four days, we were driven around the city in a luxury Mercedes coach and visited sites including the Grand Bazaar and spice market where we bargained for beautiful silk items, Turkish plates, and aromatic spices. A visit to the Turkish Hamam baths was necessary and quite the experience! A relaxing cruise along the Bosphorus deliciously ended day two.
The nights in Turkey were spent dining at fabulous outdoor restaurants including 360 and Angelique; some of the most luxurious I have experiences worldwide. The same owners of Suada also own the world renowned restaurant and club, Reina where we celebrated Dane Steele Green’s birthday (owner of Steele Luxury Travel). This extremely trendy space located right on the Bosphorus is home to super stars, businessmen, and the international jet set crowd. We also had one authentic Turkish dining experience at a restaurant overlooking the beautiful Hagia Sofia.

After our culturally explosive trip to Istanbul, we hopped on our flight directly to Mykonos to sample the Steele Luxury Travel “Mykonos Island Villa Experience” for Summer of 2009. The trip was spent laying on a lounge chair on Elia Beach (filled with beautiful people), sipping on delicious cocktails, and outstanding fresh food.

Be sure to check in frequently at https://steeletravel.com/ for updates on our worldwide luxurious vacation experiences!
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