Lufthansa will initiate scheduled flights aboard A380s, the world’s largest passenger aircraft. on June 11, with service from Frankfurt to Tokyo’s Narita International Airport. The aircraft, which bears the name Frankfurt am Main, is the first of four A380s scheduled for delivery to Lufthansa in 2010. It will operate under flight number LH710, replacing a Boeing 747-400. Flights will depart Frankfurt on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday with return flights to Frankfurt (LH 711) scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Daily service i slated to begin Aug. 4, after Lufthansa has taken delivery of its second A380 aircraft.
Lufthansa plans to put its third A380 into service on Aug. 25, on the airline’s Frankfurt-Beijing route. Flights will depart Germany on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and return the following day; daily service is scheduled to start in October. Beginning Oct. 25, Lufthansa expects to deploy its fourth A380 with service three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday) on the airline’s Frankfurt-Johannesburg route. The return flight from South Africa to Frankfurt will depart the following day. For more information, visit www.lufthansa.com.