20 minutes before landing, the plane began to stir. Everyone including musical act Sister Sledge, Katy Perry and Fran Drescher began cleanup/makeup sessions. We landed at approximately 9:20am in Vienna. As we landed on a tarmac, the jet stopped in front of a long red carpe
t surrounded by press, cameras, and officials waiting for our arrival. Patricia Field, The Blonds, and top representatives from the Life Ball (including the founder, Gery Keszler), were there to welcome us.
Some personalities deplaning:
We all boarded buses as we waited to be shuttled to the VIP terminal, where the private jets depart from– passport control/customs was a simple breeze- just a quick look at the passport and done. None of us had anything “to declare”. We were then placed on buses and transfered to our hotels. No need to bring our luggage, as it was being delivered right to our rooms!