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Emirates Launches Cross-Polar Green Flight Trial

December 10, 2008

Emirates Airline will try a new environmental program to execute the longest green journey. The program, to be analyzed and reviewed on the airline’s inaugural flight from Dubai to San Francisco, will represent the world’s first cross-polar green flight. The inaugural green flight will demonstrate multiple fuel and emission-saving measures. The new 777-200LR will be specially washed beforehand to minimize drag. The aircraft will use electrical power on the ground in Dubai rather than running its auxiliary power unit. Dubai Air Traffic Control will give the aircraft priority clearance for both taxiing and departure. A pre-planned priority departure route out of Dubai will provide an unimpeded climb through to cruise altitude, allowing the aircraft to reach its optimum cruise altitude as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Recent Emirates negotiations with the Russian Government will allow for a preferred route over Russian and Canadian airspace for the most efficient path, taking into account prevailing winds and the aircraft’s weight. Real time updates of current weather and wind conditions will allow the flight crew to modify their flight path on route. The aircraft will track close to the North Pole following extensive work by Emirates and aircraft manufacturers to open this new routing. Flexible routings will be pursued over Canadian airspace. The FAA and San Francisco Air Traffic Control will seek to offer optimal routings for arrival and if possible a continuous descent approach to minimize fuel burn. The aircraft will use minimal thrust on landing and a single-engine taxi to its gate. All on-board glass, newspapers, aluminum and paper will be collected for recycling. For more information, visit
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