Customers traveling on Delta Air Line’s domestic flights in First Class or unrestricted Economy Class to or from its hub at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport can enjoy complimentary US Helicopter Airport Shuttle Service for a limited time. This promotional offer is valid for tickets purchased through Aug. 29, 2008.
Complimentary US Helicopter service between JFK and Manhattan is available year-round to Delta BusinessElite customers. Delta’s travelers enjoy unrivaled benefits from US Helicopter service including: Eight-minute travel time between New York City Heliports in Midtown and Downtown Manhattan and JFK, with flights operating 27 times daily; federally regulated TSA security clearance at NYC Heliports before arriving at JFK for departing flights; convenient check-in and boarding passes to final destinations (for both domestic and international travelers departing from and arriving in Manhattan); and baggage check to final destination (for passengers traveling to and from Manhattan).
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